1 Lb - Omega 68 Calhypo Shock for Swimming Pools
- Omega 68 calhypo shock sanitizes water; kills bacteria and algae
- Use when opening and closing pools; after severe weather
- Restores water to crystal clear and eliminates chemical odors
- Granule formula is safer and easier to use than liquid acid
- Wear goggles and rubber gloves when handling
Summer is almost here and it's time to get your pool ready for family and friends. Our OMEGA shock pouch will raise your pools chlorine level and remove excess waste and bacteria after heavy pool use. It will assist with keeping your pool's pH levels perfectly balanced and kept between the recommended 7.4 to 7.6. Having balanced pool water helps keep your pool clean and clear, and allows your sanitizer to work better, allowing you to enjoy your pool safely all summer long.
Product features:
Raises chlorine levels to a point where contaminants such as algae, chloramines and bacteria are destroyed
Shocking your pool regularly will help to keep the water clean and free of contaminants
Granular formula, avoid breathing in dust, getting into eyes or on skin
Should not be pre-mixed with other chemical before applying to water
Reduces water odors and keeps water sparkling
Easy to use, quick dissolving and non-foaming
Prevents eye and skin irritation for swimmers
Pool may be used 24 hours after application
Net weight: 1 pound pouch
Active ingredient: Calcium Hypochlorite
EPA Registration Number: 3525-101-79976
Product Specifications
Weight | Width | Height | Depth |
1.05 LBS | 10.50" | 1.50" | 4.50" |